LOF Office Furniture
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Used Designer Office Furniture

Treat yourself and others to premium luxury when you buy used designer office furniture at LOF! Our range of quality used furniture transforms any office from drab to fab. Whether you want to add a touch of elegance to your boardroom with used designer armchairs or a pop of colour with second hand office chairs, you’ll find that we have just what you need in our expansive inventory. Browse our selection of designer second hand furniture and breakout seating to see why our quality and price outshine the rest!

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Showing 1–20 of 67 results


Looking to wow your visitors with contemporary furniture? Show your guests to one of our used designer sofas that are as sophisticated as they are comfy. Herman Miller chairs are renowned for their comfort and style, as they’ve been designed to fit the human body. Your team will love the look and feel of our premium designer furniture, so enquire about upgrading your office space today. Whether you want a used corner sofa for your reception area or a standalone armchair for your interview room, you’ll find just what you need at LOF. View our second hand high back chairs and ask about our low back chair options, too. Our used designer white sofas bring a touch of class to any room, so what are you waiting for? Place your order today and bring your office to life!

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